Modern Life can be tough; fast-paced and overwhelming. Nowadays many children complain about the pressure of studies, peer pressure and parental expectation. We all have various coping skills, to deal with these everyday stressors, whether it be talking to our friends, shopping sprees, reading a book or listening to music … etc. The list goes on. Though one of the most underestimated therapies is Nature Therapy, Green Therapy or Fresh Air Therapy which is also called “Ecotherapy”. These therapies do wonders for your mental wellbeing.

“Nature itself is the best physician”, said Hippocrates. Being in nature or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear and stress, and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes your child feel better emotionally, but it also contributes to their physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones. There are simple activities that can help us benefit from Ecotherapy.

The Sun Light Therapy: Regular exposure to the sun is thought to strengthen the brain’s nervous system and releases a hormone called serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting one’s mood and helping a child feel calm and focused. Activity: Bask in the sunshine and enjoy the health benefits. The exposure time should depend on how sensitive your child’s skin is to the sunlight. 

Horticultural Therapy: The use of plants and garden-related activities can be used to promote well-being. Activities may include digging soil, planting seedlings, weeding garden beds, and trimming leaves. Activity 1: Having a living thing to care for, gives us a sense of responsibility. It's important to understand that if we don’t prune, water or care for the plant, it may die. This responsibility is beneficial for children suffering from mental health issues, as it gives them purpose and a sense of worth. Activity 2: Record the stages of plant growth or how new leaves grow, write the steps. This activity increases observation skills and improves focus.

Animal-Assisted Therapy: It involves caring for or spending time with an animal during a goal-oriented therapy session. Some studies have demonstrated that petting or playing with a dog reduces aggression. It also triggers the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Developing a fondness and feeling for the dog can lower the risk of hypertension among kids. Activity 1: Petting a cat or a dog with unconditional love. Activity 2: Give a task to capture a picture of animals or birds while doing their task. Like birds eating grain, butterflies sitting on a flower. This improves patience level and observation skills.

Blue Mind Therapy: Water has medicinal and therapeutic qualities. People can experience the benefits of the water whether they are near the ocean, a lake, a river, a swimming pool or even listening to the soothing sound of a fountain. The feeling of wellness and peace is felt when they are in or near bodies of water. Water enhances brain functioning and connectivity. Since the brain mostly consists of water, drinking water will help your child in a number of ways, including improving concentration and cognition. It will help in balancing moods and emotions.

Spending more time in nature is a powerful tool for healing. It promotes relaxation, supports the immune system and unintentionally builds a mindfulness habit. So get ready to step into your true power and believe in the power of nature to heal.

Have a happy, healthy eco therapy time!